Glossary | Full list of every metric and definition

  • 19 December 2023
  • 5 replies

  • Anonymous
  • 0 replies

Hello Community,

We have a great new resource for anyone and everyone who uses

A full glossary containing every metric name and definition.


You can find the entire glossary list here.


For example, the glossary contains the following metrics and definitions (click the link above to see the entire list).

Metric Name

Metric Definition

# Ad Platforms The number of ad platforms through which the app was advertising.
# Advertiser Apps The number of apps that the monetizing app displayed ads from.
# Downloads Reached The number of new downloads across all apps with the SDK installed across the filters that are set.
# Search Results The number of apps returned as organic search results for a keyword search query.
% Active Days The average percentage of days in the given period the app is used; this is similar to average daily active users divided by active users in the week or month.
% Apps Integrated Indicates the percentage of apps that were analyzed that were found to have the ad platform SDK integrated. This is calculated by dividing the number of apps integrated by the number of apps analyzed.
% Critical The percentage of critical ratings (1 and 2 stars) out of all ratings across a given period.
% Downloads Reached Indicates the percent of app downloads in which the ad platform SDK was integrated in the downloaded app; this is a measure of ad platform coverage.
% Favorable The percentage of favorable ratings (4 and 5 stars) out of all ratings across a given period.
% Organic Downloads The estimated percentage of an app's total downloads acquired through organic keyword search and app store featured placements.
% Paid Downloads The estimated percentage of an app's total downloads acquired through keyword bidding or creative advertisement campaigns.
% Top 100 Apps Integrated

The percentage of the top 100 apps by downloads and across the filters that are set that have the ad platform's SDK integrated.



You can find the entire glossary list here.

5 replies


Hi, as the helpcenter seems to be completely down and the entire glossary is not accessable, maybe someone around here can help me. I am currently trying to understand the definition of the metric “Active User”, under the Engagement section when comparing companies. Would be great if you could help me understand the definition and how it is measured. Thanks in advance!

Userlevel 1
Badge +3

Hi @schwalbachn26 

Thanks for the question! I do see that our help center is up and running, please contact if you are still having issues accessing. 

In the meantime, here is the definition for ‘Active Users’ in

“The number of users who have used the app in a given period (Daily, Weekly, Monthly).
An active user is defined as a device having one or more foreground sessions within an app during the selected period.
We do not differentiate users and devices, and we always assume one unique user per unique device.”

Let us know if you have other questions!


Hi, I’m trying to understand the calculation of D30 retention. 
It’s explained here, but it is not clear to me if D30 means:
1. users who opened the app after the 30th day? for example a user who opened on D60 will be counted in this case.
2. or up to the 30th day? for example a user who opened on D15 will be counted in this case.
3. or on the 30th day? for example only a user who opened on D30 exactly will be counted in this case.

Userlevel 1
Badge +3

Hi @MusicWow - Thanks for the question! 

In your examples above, the correct answer is 3. Percent of users who opened the app exactly 30 days after the first time the app was opened. 

We have another solution called ‘aggregated and extended retention’ that is an add-on to the standard package. This solution can help you understand longer time ranges and cohort periods (weekly/monthly). Here is the help center article on aggregated and extended retention.


Thank you for clarifying and for the fast reply! ⚡
