First Access to new Updated Ad Revenue Model!

  • 23 January 2024
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  • Anonymous
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Hello Gaming Community group,

I have a great opportunity coming straight to you from our Product team...


We're delighted to share the news of a substantial update to our Ad Revenue model, now available for our paid customers to test in our sandbox environment: Labs. We invite you to be among the first to experience and contribute to shaping the future of Ad Revenue. This update introduces additional metrics and enhanced accuracy, providing you with a more insightful and reliable experience.


Key Improvements available for testing in Labs for paid customers include:

  • Significantly Improved CPM Estimates: Ensuring more accurate projections across all supported countries
  • New Metrics for Informed Decision-Making:
    • eCPM Metric: Offering a view into one of the key pieces of ad performance
    • Average Impressions per User Metric: Enhancing insights into user ad interaction


To explore this experiment in Labs, reach out to your CSM or AM and they’ll work with you to get access to this limited Beta. 


For detailed information on this experiment, please refer to our Help Center article. Your thoughts and observations are invaluable to us, so we've prepared a short survey for your convenience. Additionally, we're more than happy to schedule a brief call to discuss the updates live.


We appreciate your ongoing partnership and eagerly anticipate your feedback and insights. 

Thank you for taking the time to review and contribute.

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