Help Shape Your Roadmap with App IQ / Advanced Reviews

  • 6 November 2023
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App store categories can be fairly generic. App IQ helps break down apps into Genre / Subgenre to help identify top competitors without too much manual digging. 




Quickly uncover the top performing apps. In this example, we are looking at the “WeatherSubgenre for Q3 and it is highly competitive. After The Weather Channel, there are several apps fighting for download market share. 



An app like AccuWeather (which is sitting in the 3rd spot in terms of downloads) may want to look into what features The Weather Channel has that they do not, to potentially attract new users. Below is a visual of the Feature Comparison Report, where you can see side by side what your competitors have that you may not. AccuWeather currently does NOT have a feature that provides Allergy Insights - the top performer does. 




I wonder if that is important to users? Let’s find out! 


Advanced Reviews buckets customer reviews into “topics” so you can quickly identify specific areas to monitor over time. You can also validate your roadmap, by eliminating the guesswork and adding features your users are asking for, you can make your app more user friendly. 




In the past 3 months, users left 34 reviews (in the US) that were related to Feature Requests - 8 of them were related to information around Allergies. Below are a few examples : 



In this case, it looks like AccuWeather may have had a similar report at one time, but removed it - and users are not happy. This is extremely valuable information to product teams. Whether you are adding new features to your roadmap (or bringing some back) App IQ paired with Advanced Reviews can give you the data you need to become successful!

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