On-Demand Webinar Series

In-App Purchase Revenue & Behavior Five-Part Series | 10 Minute Tips & Tricks

  • 17 January 2024
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In-App Purchase Revenue & Behavior Five-Part Series | 10 Minute Tips & Tricks
  • Anonymous
  • 0 replies

Hello data.ai Community,

We recently wrapped up our five-part, 10 Minute Tips & Tricks series on In-App Purchase Revenue & Behavior. Each session is available to watch on-demand here in the Community.

And the best part is that each video is roughly ten minutes long!

Feel free to ask any questions in the comment section per video.


If you’re looking for quick, value-packed data.ai tips to enhance your In-App Purchase Revenue & Behavior strategy, then this webinar series is for you.


IAP Behavior Part 1: Benchmarking against competitors

data.ai’s In-App Behavior gives you deeper insights into your competitor’s revenue strategy. IAP Behavior is an add-on to the Intelligence platform and monitors store revenue. This report is important because there is no other way to get this information (average revenue per purchasing user, LTV, payer penetration, etc).

Watch on demand here


IAP Behavior Part 2: Building audiences with cross-purchase analysis

In this session, we cover the Cross-Purchase Overview Report and consider how the privacy concerns and updates over the last few years has made it more difficult to build valuable audiences for acquisition. We demo how the Purchase Overview Report adds a valuable step in building those audiences you might miss out on. This report also identifies apps and shows the highest % of shared purchases in those apps.

We also dive into the Full Cross-Purchase Analysis Report, specifically the Cross-purchase affinity report which identifies how likely a purchaser in a specific audience will purchase in your app. Furthermore, we demo how to identify which features are prevalent in other apps will translate to purchases in your app.

Watch on demand here


IAP Behavior Part 3: Identifying a genre/sub-genre to build an app/game in

This session covers how to break IAP Behavior down by classifications (games, Apps, custom IQ), which genre is monetizing best if I’m building a new app or game, which genres have payers stay around longer, viewing subgenres and sub-categories to see which games/apps monetize well over time, and so much more.

Watch on demand here


IAP Revenue Part 1: Pricing/packaging: Understanding what SKUs perform well for key competitors

Maximizing revenue for your app can be a tough problem to solve. One of the fundamental ways to get there is deciding what price points to offer. This can be a tricky, time consuming exercise of using competitive apps and seeing what they charge. But even then, it’s impossible to know how different SKUs are performing.

We’ve solved that problem for you with IAP Revenue. IAP Revenue shows you which SKUs, at what price point, are generating the most revenue. IAP Revenue also reveals how much revenue is coming from each SKU and helps you understand the split between subscription and non-subscription SKUs.

Watch on demand here


IAP Revenue Part 2: Breaking into New Markets

As a reminder, IAP is a paid add-on. If you’re interested in adding these reports, please reach out to your CSM for more information.

The question this session answers is, “does it make sense to offer the same pricing and packaging across different markets or should you differentiate?” Instead of trying to jump into all of your competitors’ apps to see what they’re offering and at what price, this report shows you that performance in your geo or other geos (43 different countries). Check out how IAP Revenue helps you break into new markets.

Watch on demand here

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