How do you measure conversion and great user experience on your app using Data.Ai?

  • 3 August 2023
  • 1 reply

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Besides all the effort with acquisition and gets the customer to open and use your app, which metrics help you to measure and establish a good experience inside your app? How this help you to increase your app’s conversion?

1 reply

Hello, @thiagotrimoli ! It sounds like you want to track two broad things: conversions and sentiment and, presumably, how you can track them in a correlative way (hope I’m getting this right, haha).


Conversions are tracked in as the metric titled “downloads,” and this metric can be found in many reports. Some reports, like the Market Size Report, already include downloads in the core structure of the report (and the metric can’t be removed from the report). Other reports, like the Compare Report, offer downloads as an optional metric, so you’d have to manually tell the system to include the metric in your table and visualization. So, downloads (conversions) will appear in many places within, making it easy to track this metric!


The second part of your question is around tracking “great user experience.” There are different ways to interpret this, but for the purposes of using, let’s interpret this as a desire to track user sentiment. Great news here is that there are multiple reports you can use to do this!


The Reviews Report (single-object-level report) will show you sentiment around a specific app. You can use this report to identify components, features, qualities, etc. about an app that users like or dislike; you can use this information to get a sense of what users think about that app/product, information that you can then use to inform your own product roadmap. Paid add ons allow you to do even more specific analyses of app store reviews, like the ability to rate the importance a term had across multiple reviews.

The Ratings Over Time Report (single-object-level report) shows you the star ratings for an app left by app store users. This will give you a sense of how users rate the app over time, which you can compare to any changes the app made across that period, inferring how those changes were received by their user base.

The User Retention Report (single-object-level report) will show you how successful an app has been at retaining their users. If an app has done a good job at curating an in-app experience that resonates well with their user base, that app’s retention should remain high and, ideally, increase as time goes on. Paid add ons allow you the ability to do longer-duration and more granular tracking of retention.


Finally, has amazing add ons that can help you dig into the details of an app’s product, like the Feature Comparison Report and the App IQ/Game IQ products. These will give you more granular insight into what features an app offers, what the in-app experience actually looks like (via our First-Time User Experience videos and screenshots). So, if you want to do deep dive into how to build a powerful product, these types of products will definitely help you do this.


Hope this helps! :D
