3dot14: Doubling their sales leads and improving conversation rate by 50%

  • 29 August 2023
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3dot14: Doubling their sales leads and improving conversation rate by 50%
  • Anonymous
  • 0 replies

Hello data.ai Community.

We’re excited to share another amazing story about 3dot14! 


Who is 3dot14?

3dot14 is a mobile first demand-side platform (DSP), helping marketers around the globe acquire high value users for their apps. Their machine learning technology enables them to drive user acquisition and retargeting at scale for clients, which includes the likes of Amazon, Gojek, Lazada, and Plarium Games.


Key Results

  • 2x increase in leads per month since using data.ai
  • Improved conversion rate by 50% with data.ai Intelligence
  • Increased average revenue per advertiser by almost 60%


When our team sat down with Afraz Naqvi, co-founder of 3dot14, he shared:


"I created an alert that informs me whenever there is a spike in downloads in finance apps in India. We were able to onboard 50-70% more advertisers per month due to our proactiveness, which was a direct result of us setting up those alerts.”


To watch the video, click here.



From the outset, 3dot14 utilized the free version of data.ai to examine top charts. However, as their business expanded and the demand for more sophisticated information grew, Afraz Naqvi, the co-founder, recognized the necessity for obtaining more profound insights. A key challenge they encountered was the need to tailor their offerings to prospective advertiser clients more effectively. Additionally, gaining a comprehensive understanding of app performance data, including metrics such as downloads, revenue, and preferred advertising partners, became crucial.



As their company grew, 3dot14’s goals also evolved. They needed to build a curated pipeline of potential customers, categorized by specific attributes such as genre, annual revenue, and overall app performance. Additionally, identifying companies that invest significantly in app advertising emerged as a critical need. To achieve these objectives, the team turned to the capabilities of data.ai Intelligence.

Afraz shares that they used several data.ai features like top charts, top companies, iQ categories, and cross-app usage/affinity to achieve these goals. 

In addition, they leveraged alerts as a mechanism to monitor surges in paid installs and app store/play store rankings. Afraz was able to leverage the alerts feature to promptly notify him of any significant spike in downloads within the finance app category in India. As a direct result of this alert, 3dot14 has been able to substantially increase their onboarding rate of advertisers, achieving a remarkable growth ranging from 50-70% more advertisers per month. The strategic use of data.ai metrics through alerts has undeniably played a major role in driving their success.



Through their partnership with data.ai, 3dot14 experienced several revenue wins. They identified niche app developers and gaming studios in various geographies, such as Israel, Turkey, South Korea, Canada, and more. This led to an impressive 2x increase in potential leads on a monthly basis, while also witnessing a notable boost in conversion rates of nearly 50%, primarily attributed to the implementation of revised and highly customized pitches.

Using data.ai to track the percentage and volume of paid downloads allowed them to focus on high-revenue advertisers, resulting in a nearly 60% increase in average revenue per advertiser

Through meticulous analysis and targeted efforts, 3dot14 has harnessed data.ai's capabilities to achieve business growth and maximize their overall performance.


We want to give a huge “thank you” to the 3dot14 team for being a fantastic customer. We love seeing your team succeed!

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