
Market Trends for Aug'23 & Sept'23

  • 14 September 2023
  • 6 replies

Userlevel 2
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Is there an overall drop in UA spends and DAUs which people are seeing in mobile games in August and September months? Have the CPI costs increased? If yes, what could be the probable reasons for the same? 

6 replies

Userlevel 3
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Hey @Arya Shah!I Don’t have any particular data on UA spend or CPIs, but I just quickly pulled a few years worth of data to check August/September download trends for mobile games worldwide for you to reference. There does seem to be a general trend down in these two months. 



Here’s the link if you want to explore yourself. You can select your key geos or app Game Category or Game IQ category to get even more precise to see if these trends hold: Market Size - All Games - WW

Userlevel 2
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Got it Sid, thanks for this! Helps a lot! 

Userlevel 3
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No problem! Hope it’s a good starting point. I generally don’t like attributing anything to “seasonality”, but there does seem to be a cycle of downturn in early Fall after summer ends, then ramping up right before Christmas holidays and into the new year.

Userlevel 2
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Yeah same, I always feel making ‘seasonality’ as a conclusion to something is just a way of moving away from the problem. But sometimes, its better to focus on way forward than to keep scratching our heads on the reasons haha :)


Seasonality definitely has it’s place, going in line with player behaviors. Real life goes on outside of our phones. One may be able to attribute it to vacation schedules as can be seen by the uptick in summers and the downticks in fall when kids go back and parents return to work. Games intentionally time events and promotions to match this which helps perpetuate the scenarios. This in turn leads to higher monetization numbers and the cycle goes on.


Userlevel 3
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Great point about it becoming self-fulling now as well, @TaliaShmuel!
