Why does ASO matter?

  • 2 February 2024
  • 1 reply

Imagine your app buried under tons of others in the app store. Yikes! App Store Optimization (ASO) is your tool to unearth your gem and shine a light on it. 

Here's why ASO matters:

  • Visibility is king: The higher you rank, the more people see your app.
  • Organic downloads are free: In a world where budgets get lower, who doesn’t love a free acquisition technique?
  • Target the right audience: Attract users who are truly interested in what your app offers.
  • Boost your brand: A well-optimized app listing creates a positive first impression for the app stores users.

Ready to optimize? Here are some key steps:

  • Keyword research: Uncover the terms users search for to find apps like yours.
  • Craft a compelling title and description: Highlight your app's unique value proposition.
  • Showcase stunning screenshots and app previews: Show, don't just tell, what your app does.
  • Encourage positive ratings and reviews: Build trust and social proof.
  • Track and analyze your performance: Adapt and improve your strategy based on data.

Thanks to our ASO report, get the most value out of your description and title, and make sure nobody misses your app in the stores.

Here are our main metrics that will help you find the perfect keyword to use:

  • # Search Results: The number of apps displayed for this specific keyword.
  • Search Volume: Index of popularity based on the popularity of the keyword.
  • Difficulty: Index of how difficult it is to rank for the top 10 search results for this keyword.
  • Keyword Opportunity Score: A score that helps to identify optimal keywords. Calculated as a ratio of Search Volume and Difficulty. 

Remember, ASO is an ongoing process. With a little effort, you can turn app store discovery from a buried treasure hunt into a delightful stroll in the park.

If you want to know more about our tips and tricks to master ASO, download our guide here (spoiler: one of our tip is to update an element on your App Store page as often as possible!).


And you? How do you ASO?! Let’s chat!


1 reply

This is fantastic, @AngelaFulbert! Thank you for sharing.
